Legal and ethical considerations in AMR data
This module introduces fundamental concepts in medical, public health and animal ethics, and how they relate to AMR. It then introduces the role of international legal frameworks and governance mechanisms relevant to AMR, highlighting that this is an emerging area of research and practice.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- define the four key principles of medical ethics
- identify key ethical issues relevant to AMR
- describe guidelines for ethics in healthcare, health research and public health, and how they are relevant to AMR
- describe guidelines and key concepts in animal ethics relevant to AMR
- describe the current and potential role of international legal frameworks in supporting action on AMR.
Activity 1: Assessing your skills and knowledge
Before you begin this module, you should take a moment to think about the learning outcomes and how confident you feel about your knowledge and skills in these areas. Do not worry if you do not feel very confident in some skills – they may be areas that you are hoping to develop by studying these modules.
Now use the interactive tool to rate your confidence in these areas using the following scale:
- 5 Very confident
- 4 Confident
- 3 Neither confident nor not confident
- 2 Not very confident
- 1 Not at all confident
This is for you to reflect on your own knowledge and skills you already have.