14 Summary

In this module you have learned about phenotypic and genotypic laboratory techniques used to test for common mechanisms of resistance in important pathogens. You have looked at resistance patterns of global concern, and you have seen how knowledge of the underlying resistance mechanism feeds into AMR surveillance. At a practical level, you have explored screening and confirmatory tests used for pathogen-resistance combinations relevant to your workplace.

You should now be able to:

  • give examples of the resistance patterns/resistant organisms causing global concern
  • give examples of the resistance patterns/resistant organisms encountered in your work
  • understand the difference between screening and confirmatory testing
  • describe some of the phenotypic methods commonly used for screening and confirmation of resistance mechanism
  • understand how genotypic methods can be used, and the advantages/disadvantages of genotypic versus phenotypic methods
  • understand how more data from detailed testing for resistance mechanisms/genes contributes to AMR surveillance
  • apply your knowledge of these laboratory tests to interpret data relevant to your work
  • know the importance of procedures designed to ensure the quality of these laboratory tests in your workplace.

Activity 15 Reflecting on your progress

Timing: Allow about 10 minutes

Do you remember at the beginning of this module you were asked to take a moment to think about these learning outcomes and how confident you felt about your knowledge and skills in these areas? Now that you have almost completed this module take some time to reflect on your progress and use the interactive tool to rate your confidence in these areas using the following 1-5 scale.

  • 5 Very confident
  • 4 Confident
  • 3 Neither confident nor not confident
  • 2 Not very confident
  • 1 Not at all confident

Try to use the full range of ratings shown above to rate yourself.

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