7 Summary

In this module you have learned how you can work effectively with policy-makers to help to ensure that policies are informed and evidence-based. You have explored how policy-making works, how to identify who policy-makers are, how policy-makers process evidence, and the environment in which they operate.

You have considered how, when and where you might engage with policy-makers, and you have seen examples of how to write for policy-makers and avoid common mistakes. Finally, you have learned about the challenges inherent in the policy-making process itself, and how these can be overcome. Throughout the module you have seen plenty of examples of AMR data informing policy-making.

You should now be able to:

  • understand how AMR data can influence policy-making
  • identify the relevant policy-makers and their roles
  • use an engaging and accessible writing style for people who have major time constraints and who are not subject matter experts
  • effectively deliver science advice to policy-makers
  • recognise barriers to policy-making and how to overcome them.

Now that you have completed this module, consider the following questions:

  • What is the single most important lesson that you have taken away from this module?
  • How relevant is it to your work?
  • Can you suggest ways in which this new knowledge can benefit your practice?

When you have reflected on these, go to your reflective blog  and note down your thoughts.

Activity 9: Reflecting on your progress

Timing: Allow about 15 minutes

Do you remember at the beginning of this module you were asked to take a moment to think about these learning outcomes and how confident you felt about your knowledge and skills in these areas?

Now that you have completed this module, take some time to reflect on your progress and use the interactive tool to rate your confidence in these areas using the following scale:

  • 5 Very confident
  • 4 Confident
  • 3 Neither confident nor not confident
  • 2 Not very confident
  • 1 Not at all confident

Try to use the full range of ratings shown above to rate yourself:

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When you have reflected on your answers and your progress on this module, go to your reflective blog and note down your thoughts.

6 End-of-module quiz

8 Your experience of this module