Welcome to DyslexicU
A new
school of thought where you can learn the intelligence the world needs now:
Dyslexic Thinking.
learns to recall knowledge faster and better than humans, research finds that Dyslexic
Thinking skills – the skills that AI cannot replace – are the most in demand
skills in every job, across all sectors, globally, TODAY.
DyslexicU is exactly where you can learn them
Our ever-expanding range of
courses, covering a wide range of professions, will help you to learn about
Dyslexic Thinking, and understand why and how it turbo-charges success across
different industries.
These short, 1-hour courses are
designed to inspire learners, by teaching you how these brilliant Dyslexic
Thinkers think, view and operate in the world to achieve the amazing things
they do. And how you can adopt this thinking too.
University of Dyslexic Thinking is brought to you by Made By Dyslexia.
Jump in… and get started!
View Richard Branson's commencement speech
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Well, what an honour it is to stand before you today. I've always known that a mind like mine doesn't fit into a formal education system. I didn't get my success from a traditional classroom, by burying my head in textbooks or by memorizing the periodic table. Pablo Picasso, Agatha Christie, Muhammad Ali, Steve Jobs. They were all made to feel like square pegs in round holes. And yet, we all share something powerful in common: Dyslexic Thinking. Not a weakness, but a superpower.
For too long, traditional learning environments have ignored the game-changing creative and emotional intelligence that have solved many of mankind's greatest challenges. So, as we stand at the dawn of the next industrial age, we face some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever known. And one thing is clear: the type of intelligence humanity needs is changing. Our way of thinking has never been encouraged by the old school of thought. In fact, it's never been taught by any school of thought, until now.
View Kate Grigg’s introduction to DyslexicU
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Welcome to DyslexicU, the University of Dyslexic Thinking, a new school of thought where you can learn the intelligence the world needs now.
For decades, Dyslexic Thinking has been responsible for some of our greatest inventions, brands, art and even icons. From the iPhone to Virgin, DreamWorks to Muhammad Ali. Yet this kind of thinking has rarely been taught, measured or treasured by traditional education systems or workplaces.
But now as we enter the 5th Industrial Revolution, a world powered by human intelligence and machines, the demand for this creative, innovative and adaptable thinking has never been greater. Just as previous industrial revolutions, fuelled by steam power or electricity or computers and digital connectivity, transformed our world, modern day artificial intelligence is revolutionising the type of thinking that is critical for success today.
Because AI has learned to aggregate and recall knowledge knowledge faster and better than humans, making the skills that AI cannot easily replicate like problem solving, innovation, lateral thinking and interpersonal skills, the most sought after skills in every job, in every sector worldwide. And these skills are inherent to one particular group of people... dyslexics.
Now is the time for dyslexics to learn more about their Dyslexic Thinking skills and to shout about them. And it’s time for non-dyslexics to learn more about Dyslexic Thinking skills and develop them. Because these are the skills needed to thrive in this new AI powered world. DyslexicU is here to help everyone to do just that.
At DyslexicU our mission is to teach the new intelligence the world now needs, Dyslexic Thinking. DyslexicU is creating an ever expanding range of courses covering a wide range of professions that will help you to learn about Dyslexic Thinking and understand why and how it turbocharges success across different industries.
In these courses I explain Dyslexic Thinking and its value and role in different fields of endeavour. And I'm joined by successful dyslexic thinkers from different fields who explain why their Dyslexic Thinking is so valuable and how it's turbocharged their careers.
These short one hour courses are designed to inspire learners by teaching them how these brilliant Dyslexic Thinkers think, view and operate in the world to achieve the amazing things they do and how you can adopt this thinking too. Alongside the film content you will find lots of links to useful resources to help you further your learning and discovery.
What is Dyslexic Thinking?
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So what exactly is Dyslexic Thinking? Dyslexic brains process information differently. Our neural pathways are different from someone who is not dyslexic, meaning we literally think differently. This gives us a pattern of valuable strengths, which are called Dyslexic Thinking skills. The dictionary definition of Dyslexic Thinking is: “An approach to problem-solving, assessing information, and learning, often used by people with dyslexia, that involves pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, latering thinking, and interpersonal communication.”
In 2022, LinkedIn, the world's largest career platform, added Dyslexic Thinking as an official skill, recognising that this type of thinking was becoming vital in the changing world of work. The 2024 Intelligence 5.0 report found that as a result of AI the type of intelligence the world needs has changed. Creativity, communication, adaptability, complex problem solving are the skills that research tells us are vital to every job in every sector, across the world. They are the skills all humans need to thrive alongside AI and they are all Dyslexic Thinking skills.
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