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Educational resources: citizen science

Educational resources: citizen science

Cos4Cloud activity demonstrating environmental education (EE), education for sustainable development (ESD) and links with citizen science in school-based education

This area of the Cos4Cloud Toolbox & Evidence Hub shares Cos4Cloud educational best practice focused on citizen science school-based approaches. The strategy for engaging school communities in Cos4Cloud was implemented by project partner National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in Greece, with adaptations in other areas, and includes activities focused on introducing citizen science through the Cos4Cloud services and citizen observatories (COs) with an emphasis on school-focused practical examples. 

The Toolbox resources showcased here include a range of demonstrator educational scenarios and approaches implemented to evaluate citizen science methods in school-based education. These have been developed targeting users from a wider audience with an interest in environmental education.  

Educational resources in this area of the Cos4Cloud Toolbox include:

Cos4Cloud Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability – NKUA Six Ecational Scenarios summary

This Six Educational Scenarios summary was developed as a resource to support interest, in the development of Educational Scenarios that are part of Cos4Cloud citizen science-based environmental education activities and interventions. Educational Scenarios are part of Cos4Cloud’s work, led by NKUA with designed and demonstrated educational content that can be adapted to support learning at primary, secondary or university level in Environmental Education (EE) and Educational Sustainable Development (ESD). This content showcases examples of citizen science school-based approaches including examples from the citizen observatories involved in Cos4Cloud and the use of the project services.  

Cos4Cloud Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability Educational Scenario Guide

This Cos4Cloud Educational Scenario Guide was developed to support the creation of Educational Scenarios that are part of citizen science-based environmental education activities and interventions led by NKUA. This Guide was adapted from a template initially used as a resource for Greek Environmental Education teachers and school educational stakeholders as part of the co-design of educational scenarios in the context of the Cos4Cloud project. The supporting resources and outputs were originally developed and delivered by NKUA in Greek and this Guide has been adapted as part of the Cos4Cloud Toolbox & Evidence Hub.

Other educational resources

Cos4Cloud included integrating citizen sciencne into the curricula of environmental subjects in Greek schools and creating networks of teachers to further support this. Results from training events, and activities for school teachers and educational stakeholders, as well as case studies demonstrating the inclusion of citizen science into teaching practice, are available as summary highlights and downloadable resources.

These educational resources demonstrate materials and results from activities implemented as part of the citizen science and environmental education content and activities for schools developed and delivered by NKUA in the Cos4Cloud project. They have been shared by The Open University in collaboration with project partners for the Cos4Cloud Toolbox & Evidence Hub. Contact:

logos of the partners involved in the Cos4Cloud project

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