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Describes how close the measured value is to the true value. In particular, it is affected by systematic error.

Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code

A unique code assigned to a medicine according to the organ or system it works on and how it works.

antibiotic (or antimicrobial) susceptibility testing (AST)

The determination of the susceptibility of a bacterial isolate to antimicrobials designed to kill or inhibit it.

antimicrobial consumption (AMC)

The quantity of antimicrobial drugs imported, manufactured and/or sold for use in human or veterinary medicine in a country.

antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Resistance acquired by or innate to a microbe (most often, a bacterium) to any compound that is designed to kill it or inhibit its growth.

antimicrobial stewardship

A set of guidelines and practices designed to promote optimal antimicrobial prescribing, reduce inappropriate and excessive antimicrobial usage (AMU), and ultimately reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

antimicrobial usage (AMU)

The quantity of antimicrobial drugs prescribed or administered to an individual person or animal, or group of animals (e.g., herd, flock), measured at the level of healthcare facility, farm, region or country.

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