Resource 2: Rights of the child in Kenya
Background information / subject knowledge for teacher
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by the CRC on 30 July 1990. These rights can be summarised as follows:
A child in Kenya:
- Should have the same rights as an adult, irrespective of sex, religion, custom, rural or urban background, nationality, tribe, race, marital status of parents or opinion.
- The right to grow up in a peaceful, caring and secure environment, and to have the basic necessities of life, including food, health care, clothing and shelter.
- The right to a name and a nationality.
- The right to know who his or her parents are and to enjoy family life with them and/or their extended family. Where a child has no family or is unable to live with them, he or she should have the right to be given the best substitute care available.
- The right to have his or her best interests given priority in any decisions made concerning the child.
- The right to express an opinion and to be listened to, and, to be consulted in accordance with his or her understanding in decisions which affect his or her well-being.
- The right to have his or her health protected through immunisation and appropriate health care, and to be taught how to defend himself/herself against illness. When ill, a child should have a right to receive proper medical care.
- A child with disability should have the right to be treated with the same dignity as other children and to be given special care, education and training where necessary so as to develop his or her potential and self-reliance.
- The right to refuse to be subjected to harmful initiation rites and other harmful social and customary practices, and to be protected from those customary practices which are prejudicial to a child’s health.
- The right to be treated fairly and humanely within the legal system.
- The right to be protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation.
- The right to basic education.
- The right to leisure which is not morally harmful, to play and to participate in sports and positive cultural and artistic activities.
- The right not to be employed or engaged in activities that harm his or her health, education, mental, physical or moral development.
- A child, if a victim of armed conflict, a refugee, or in a situation of danger or extreme vulnerability, should have the right to be among the first to receive help and protection.
Resource 1: Rights and duties of children – Mrs Nqwinda’s class list