Table of activities and case studies in the Toolkit

The Teaching Practice Supervisors’ Toolkit contains a number of activities and case studies to help you think about how you might support your pre-service teachers. The list of activities and case studies available is given here. You will find them at:

Table of Toolkit activities

  • Activity 1 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] : Qualities of an effective Teaching Practice Supervisor
  • Activity 2: Core tasks of the Teaching Practice Supervisor
  • Activity 3: Using audio drama clips for working with your student teachers
  • Activity 4: Becoming familiar with TESSA
  • Activity 5: Planning to use TESSA with your student teachers
  • Activity 6: Active pedagogy
  • Activity 7: What makes a good teacher?
  • Activity 8: Identifying active teaching methods
  • Activity 9: Active teaching methods – auditing your own and your student teachers’ familiarity with these approaches
  • Activity 10: Features of good lessons
  • Activity 11: Active teaching methods – supporting student teachers
  • Activity 12: Possible usages of the TESSA materials
  • Activity 13: Using the TESSA handbook Working with Pupils as support
  • Activity 14: Using the TESSA handbook Working with Teachers as support
  • Activity 15: Reflecting on school visits
  • Activity 16: Giving feedback to my student teacher
  • Activity 17: Preparing for the feedback to my student teacher
  • Activity 18: TESSA teaching strategies in a seminar
  • Activity 19: Planning a face-to-face seminar
  • Activity 20: Responding to your own student teachers’ difficulties

Table of Toolkit case studies

Planning and using TESSA materials with student teachers

  • Case study 1: Triggering interest and supporting integration of ideas into the classroom teaching
  • Case study 2: Student teachers using the materials to develop one competence
  • Case study 3: School-based Teaching Practice Supervisor in a full-time pre-service teacher development course at a College of Education
  • Case study 4: Teaching Practice Supervisor for distance learning programme with in-service teachers
  • Case study 5: Subject methods supervisor in a full-time pre-service teacher development course at a College of Education
  • Case study 6: Part-time Teaching Practice Supervisor for distance learning programme with in-service teachers and part-time teacher in a primary school

Helping student teachers to carry out action planning

Getting the most out of the school visit

  • Case study 8: Making suggestions to head teachers and cooperating teachers

Advice and hints for running seminars and workshops

Counselling student teachers with teaching-related difficulties

Guidance on assessment of student teachers