Resource 2: Rights of the child in Zambia
Background information / subject knowledge for teacher
The Zambian constitution guarantees the following political and civil rights and freedoms for everyone in Zambia, including children:
- the right to liberty
- the right to protection from slavery and forced labour
- the right to protection from torture, inhuman and degrading punishment
- the right to property
- the right to privacy of the home and other property
- the right to a free trial
- the right to freedom of conscience
- the right to freedom of expression
- the right to freedom of assembly and association
- the right to freedom of movement
- the right to protection from discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, tribe, place of origin, marital status, political opinion, colour or creed
- the right of young persons to protection from physical and mental ill treatment, all forms of neglect, cruelty or exploitation, or traffic in any form.
The civil and political rights above are justiciable. This means that people can take legal action if they feel that any of the rights above have been, or are being, infringed upon.
Resource 1: Rights and duties of children – Mrs Nqwinda’s class list