Resource 6: Thinking back about dance
Teacher resource for planning or adapting to use with pupils
You can use the questions here to help your pupils reflect back on their experiences. Ask them to read and think about these questions carefully and to answer them in an honest and detailed way.
Write down three or more words to describe how you felt during each of the following stages of the learning process:
warming up
creating a dance with a partner
presenting your dance to the class
watching the other dances
performing your dances
watching the other dance performances
cooling down
What did you enjoy most about these lessons? Explain why.
What did you find most challenging about these lessons? Explain why.
What do you think is the most successful thing about your dance? Explain why.
Do you think there are any ways in which you could improve your dance? If so, how?
Select another performance that you think was particularly effective. Briefly describe it, explaining why you liked it.
Have you learnt anything new about yourself? Explain.
Did you learn anything from the other performances? Explain.
Do you want to make any other comments about what you have experienced so far? Explain.
Adapted from: Extracts from Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) / Gauteng Institute for Education Development (GDE) Illustrative Learning Programme for ABET, Level 4 – Culture and Arts)
Resource 5: Refining our dance