How to do counselling online


Awarded to Alex Cox
Issued 17 May 2020, 2:33 PM
Issued by OpenLearn Create
Course: How to do counselling online: a coronavirus primer

This badge has been issued for participating in the activities in the free non-accredited 'How to do counselling online: a coronavirus primer' course. This free course supported demonstration of the following key learning outcomes: 1 Understanding of the range of technology-based counselling types 2 Awareness of key technological, legal, ethical and clinical considerations for safe and effective online counselling 3 Sound knowledge and critical understanding of key concepts relevant to online counselling 4 Reflected on the meaning of their own opinions, experiences and practices in relationship to digital communication technologies in terms of online counselling practice You can review this course at the link This badge does not represent formal credit or award. It does demonstrate participation in informal learning activity.


This badge has been issued for participating in the activities in the free non-accredited 'How to do counselling online: a coronavirus primer' course. This free course supported demonstration of the following key learning outcomes:

  1. Understanding of the range of technology-based counselling types
  2. Awareness of key technological, legal, ethical and clinical considerations for safe and effective online counselling
  3. Sound knowledge and critical understanding of key concepts relevant to online counselling
  4. Reflected on the meaning of their own opinions, experiences and practices in relationship to digital communication technologies in terms of online counselling practice

  • ALL of the following activities are completed:
    • "SC Web Editor - Introduction"
    • "SC Web Editor - 1 Technology and me"
    • "SC Web Editor - 2 Technological, legal, ethical and practical considerations"
    • "SC Web Editor - 3 General considerations for online counselling"
    • "SC Web Editor - 4 Counselling using videoconferencing platforms"
    • "SC Web Editor - 5 Audio-only and phone-based counselling"
    • "SC Web Editor - 6 Text-based counselling"
    • "SC Web Editor - 7 Mental health apps and computer programs"
    • "SC Web Editor - 8 End-of-course quiz"
    • "SC Web Editor - 9 Conclusion"
    • "Quiz - End-of-course quiz"
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How to do counselling online