Water reuse: calculating energy demand in membrane technology

Energy in water reuse

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Issued 2 July 2020, 6:36 AM
Issued by OpenLearn Create
Course: Water reuse: calculating energy demand in membrane technology

Water reuse: calculating energy demand in membrane technology


Learners must watch all the videos and complete all 21 maths calculations in order to make a final judgement at the end of this course and achieve their badge.

  • ALL of the following activities are completed:
    • "Page - Introduction"
    • "Page - 1 Water supply options"
    • "Page - 2 The fundamental and derived SI units"
    • "Page - 3 Specific energy consumption (SEC)"
    • "Page - 4 Membrane process parameters"
    • "Page - 5 The immersed membrane bioreactor (iMBR) process"
    • "Page - 6 The reverse osmosis (RO) process"
    • "Page - 7 Conclusion"
    • "Page - Answers to questions"
    • "File - Reverse osmosis SEC calculation"
Image caption
Water reuse: calculating energy demand in membrane technology