Art History

Awarded to Guest user
Issued 8 January 2020, 7:00 PM
Issued by OpenLearn Create
Course: Art History part 2

This badge means you completed the art history course



You earned the badge for studying with success art history and completing the activities and quiz.

  • ALL of the following activities are completed:
    • "Page - medieval art"
    • "Page - Gothic art"
    • "Page - Renaissance"
    • "Page - Painting"
    • "Page - sculpture"
    • "Page - Neoclassicism"
    • "Page - Painting"
    • "Page - romantism"
    • "Page - painting"
    • "Page - Realism"
    • "Page - Painting"
    • "Page - impressionism"
    • "Page - post-impressionism"
    • "Page - cubism"
    • "Page - cubist artists"
    • "Page - surrealism"
    • "Page - surrealist artists"
    • "Page - Pop Art"
    • "Page - characteristics"
    • "Quiz - quiz"