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Communityis a group of diverse individuals that share one or more of the following features: geographical location, ethnicity, belief or any socio-ecological aspect that gives them a sense of belonging to the same group and sharing of similar issues. |
Dataare characteristics or information, usually numerical, that are collected through observation. They can also be photos, videos and text. |
Decision-makera person who makes important decisions that might affect the life of others. Examples are local leaders and politicians |
Ethicalrefers to standards of equity, positive attitude, anonymity and consent that provide guidelines for what we do in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society and fairness. |
Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)promoted through international agreements and safeguards, implies Free of coercion, intimidation, or manipulation, Prior involvement in decision-making about the activity, and Informed access to information such as the purpose, process, duration, location and benefits of the activity. |