2.2 Optional readings and resources

If you have time and would like to explore this topic further, take a look at the resources below.

Anti-bullying Alliance (2015b) Preventing Bullying: A Guide for Teaching Assistants. SEN and Disability: Developing Effective Anti-bullying Practice

This guide is based on the views of children and young people, who receive support from teaching assistants, about bullying. It is designed to give teaching assistants advice on preventing bullying of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (SEN).

Anti-bullying Alliance (2014) Tackling Disablist Language-based Bullying in School: A Teacher’s Guidehttps://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/ tools-information/ schools-and-teachers

This guide addresses name-calling and derogatory language which is disabilist, examines disablism, its origins and how this is represented in the language, and discusses successful strategies, useful activities, case studies and resources. This document is useful for all teaching staff, including teaching assistants.

Contact a Family (2014) Dealing with Bullying. Available at https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PLWq2B0oT01K2HjIiEKy9ArDb-2ohF5CXY.

A series of podcasts with practical advice and information for parents or carers of children with SEND who are experiencing bullying at school.

3 Supporting a child with SEND