3.6 Optional readings and resources

DfE (2011) Developing Quality Tuition: Effective Practice in Schools

This document provides useful information on how to provide quality provision for pupils learning English as an additional language.

DfE (2014) SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25

This document provides details of the legal requirements in relation to children and young people with SEND.

Families and Childcare Trust

The Families and Childcare Trust is an organisation focused on campaigning, carrying out research and giving out information to governments, employers and parents. It contains a wealth of information on its website.

Some of the services and professionals involved in supporting children with SEND

The National Autistic Society (NAS)

A UK charity providing information and support. It also campaigns for people on the autistic spectrum.

Young Minds

A UK charity focused on improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people. Their website provides a wide range of information and resources for children and young people, parents and professionals.

3.5 Support services and other professionals

What you have learned in this section