6  Activities

6.1  Navigating the web

Personal Activity

Find out about the way your school website links to other sites.

Activity for the whole class

  • Start with your school website and look at the links from the front page.
  • Follow each of the links and draw a map of where they take you.

    (You will need a big piece of paper!)


  • Some links will be to other pages in the school’s website and others will take you to other websites.
  • Get a group of two or three to look at each new page and look at the links from there.
Figure 7

Extended Activities

  • Use the hyperlink tool at

    http://smallseotools.com/ website-links-count-checker/ [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (This will show you all the links from a webpage.)

    Note that this site has many cookie-controlled adverts over which we have no control.

  • How could you find out how connected you are?

Activity: For fun

There are many webs on the Internet – we are all connected and it has been proved that in most cases everyone in humanity is separated by six degrees of separation. The same is also true for Kevin Bacon – a well-known Hollywood actor who has appeared in many well known movies and television series.

There is the Bacon number.

You can search in the Google search engine … try “Bacon number Justin Bieber” or “Bacon number Jennifer Lawrence” … try other well-known actors and see if you can get to a Bacon number of six.

We even tried Professor Stephen Hawking – enjoy.

5  Improving your searches

6.2  Being safe and responsible