
On envelope: Laitter Will and Testament 7 July 1609


01.                          In dei nomine Amen ~

02. Att Lublynn the sevvint day of Julii anno domini 160 & nyne

03. ʒeiris, I thocht guid, remembering now I am passand eftir his ma-

04. iesteis court and campe, with servvandis & gier to uss merchand-

05. yce, quhar his hienes and hors sall remaine, And knawing

06. be experiens and money examplis, the suddane change and

07. alteration, of manie estaitt upone the earthe, quhen almytie

08. god pleasis to suffer man to be uesertt for his offensis; & I be-

09. ing suirlie perswaiditt that I am ane sinner, & subiect to sick

10. Infirmiteis as uthirris ar, bott god of his mercye dois spare me

11. heirfoir to god almytie father, sone, and halye gaist, be all honor

12. praiss & glorie for all his benefeittis bestowed,now & ever, Amen.

13. Being now in health of bodie and perfytt memoire, that meitt

14. to wreatt with my awin hand and leaf In memory this my

15. laitter will and testament, Incais as god forbid any suddaine

16. accident happin me in bodie or guiddis, quharbie my brother

17. Thomas Orem, or the merchandise to quhome he & I is equa-

18. ly contract and bound togidder be our obligations for

19. sick soumes as ar conteinit In our registeris and compt

20. buikis, sud be hurt or haif loiss or skaithe throuof, I wad

21. not safar as our guidds, gear, or moyane may extend till,

22. The gear brocht fra Crakaw the third day of Juni anno 1609,

23. and quhatistaine one wey deitt […] In Lublynn, ar writ-

24. tin In the compt buiks, siclyk the dettis that werest awand

25. ar wrettin, Now Incais as god forbid athir be death siknes

26. or any vthir accident, I be preventitt and may not be off

27. myt and powar to satisfie our creditorris my self, heir I

28. appoyntt and assignais my brother Thomas, and Androw Hum-

29. far burgess In Crakaw to entromett and dispone all, quhat

30. We haif In possessioun athir with me In Litton or at hame

31. In Crakaw, In maner & forme as eftir followis, first

32.the merchand gear (& dettis that ar guid) & awand us, to be

33. raknitt & calculatt with that we ar awand, and as thay ext-

34. ende, the merchandis to be satisfeitt thankfullie safar

35. as thay will extende or may agrie till, the servvands

feis & wagis

36.          ~ In te domino speraW non confundar in eternuus ~

37. feis and wageis being first payit, And the guidwyfe Niena,

38. seing thair will nocht be aneuch quharwhith to satisffie and

39. pay the creditouris all, let hir be content with twa hundred

40. florance polnis ~ thair is our pleadge of siluer &

41. gold forsett with Isack Reych Ien according as the registers

42. ar wrettin, & will bear recorde, the soum that is takin thairon

43. extendis to thrie hundredth & fyftie florance polniss, this

44. being payitt lett Thomas tak quhat is his thairof according

45. to the wrettin register ~ And gif the bairne Barbara

46. leiffis untill scho cum to perfyt age & be mareit let my

47. pairt be for hir dowrye bot lett Thomas be keipar thairof

48. untill that tyme, uthirwayis scho died before that tym, than

49. Lett itt be dwyditt, and pairtitt as followis to witt ~ ~

50. the siluer beltis, scheathis, baggis & that quhilk apperteinis

51. to wemens attyr, lett that be for my wyf, ~ togidder with the

52. peecis of cunʒeit siluer giffin at godbairne giftis, Inclositt

53. in ane payntit round buist let thais be hirs also ~ ~

54. Mair Thomas sall haif that is within that buist I portagall

55. Isyr, I roisnobill and another pece of gold ~ Mair to him

56. of the ringis (I gif of ringis) I spitz dyamont, I taffell

57. dymont , I rubyin, I patcheir and 3 worp ring with stain-

58. nis thais fyue rings I leif Thomass to be his awin fardir

59. Cundgame Robert I left 1 4 worp ring with 6 dymonts in it in pleadge

60. of 12 ducattis that is 28 R polniss, quhen he giffis the gold or sa

61. mekle money againe, Lett Thomas delyver him his ring,

62. Mair thair is ane lytill gold chein with ane hart let Thom-

63. as haif, also thair is sum fortie of cunʒeitt money ungaris

64. schillings & brokin siluer in ane purss besyd the pleadge ~

65. Also of siluer cuppis 3 owirgilt with dookis lett all this lett

66. Thomas haif, the rest of the ringis and cuppis that ar not

67. namit heir lett my wyff haif, onlye lett remain and

68. not dewyditt & gif the bairne leif lett altogidder be hirs

69. at the tyme about wrettin, the buickis and plattis salbe

                                                                                                                for Thomas


70.          ~ In dues nobis tuns quis contranob ~

71. for Thomas, in all pairtts upone the merkattis, and also att

72. court becauss he most do with the creditors and satisfie thame

73. as he best may, as I dout bott he will as ane man of guid con-

74. sience prowyde to saif our guid name, safar as his powar

75. may extend till, In tym cuming as he hes being willing in tyme

76. past, bot I taking upone me for my cuntrienis hicher mat-

77. ter is as my strenthe culd sustains, and thair caldnes In assis-

78. ting my adois and neid, hes being and is occationis of our de-

79. cay, bot I hoip god almychtie will be mercifull & not forsaik

80. bot rather bless thais that be of upricht heart & mynde, willing

81. to deall uprichtlie with all men ~ That guid man Andreass

82. Janocskie gaif us In keeping thrie hundredth florence polniss

83. quharupone he hes our recognitions, this I desyr In spetiall

84. that he […] with thanks payit at the tym apoyntitt in our

85. lettir giffen with our subscriptionis and […] thair att ~

86. Concerning my awin cleathing that belangis to my persone, lett

87. Thomas haiff thame ~ ~ Houss bedding, and uthir plenis-

88. sing alsweill […] and brass as buirdis beddis and uther needful

89. houshald affairis lett all be equalie distribuittitt & equalie

90. partitt betwixt my wyff and Thomas; providing alwayis

91. that gif the bairne Barbara remains alyue and cums to perfec-

92. tionis all thais houshald aiffairis be her awing without any

93. Impediment ~ ~ Now for awoiding of debaitt or contriver-

94. sie I haif wretting as testament to haif strenthe and place-

95. and sall godwilling as I may sie appearance heireftir; gif

96. god grant tyme, and place, convenient, confirme the same

97. as law provydis ~ ~ For the present taking the father, sone

98. and halye gaist to be witness to my upricht meaning

99. I haiff wrettin subscrywitt and put my signet together

100. with my merchand mark to this my last will, day ʒeir

101. and place forsiad ~ ~ I Patricius Orem civeus Craco

102. Lett Thomas chois ane                                                         //wiensis manie propria//

103. twa or thrie of our

104. awin serwandis to assist

105. and helpe him as he thinkis meitt