Assessing needs
Corporate Parents need to assess the needs of Care-Experienced people in line with the services they provide. This can include their individual needs and their collective needs.
Watch Megan talk about the support she’s received at university.

I’ve changed my course a couple of times and the uni have been really supportive with it, because I applied to do medicine, and then I changed to maths, and then I realised that that didn’t reflect what I was doing in my work either, so now I’m doing social and public policy with quantitative methods, so I’m still a wee bit of a geek. And that’s going really well. I’m really enjoying my course. I think what really helps and has made university much easier for me is all of the relationships I have around me, so I’m still in touch with my teachers from school, the Care Leaver Coordinator is great, he emails me a lot, he’s organised lunches for care experienced students to come together so that you don’t feel like you’re the only one there at university. I’m able to be quite open with my flatmates and some friends that I have on the course, and that relationships have made it a lot easier to not feel ashamed and internalising the stigma as well, that I feel like I might face at university.
Activity 12
Your institution will have a Corporate Parenting action plan.
Find an example from your plan on how your institution plans to assess needs and make notes on how your role could contribute to this.
Being alert