This course was written and co-produced with Care-Experienced students, Who Cares? Scotland and the Open University in Scotland in collaboration with the following institutions and organisations:
- Abertay University
- Care-Experienced, Estranged and Carers East Forum (CEECEF) and West Forum (CEECWF)
- College Development Network
- Edinburgh College
- Edinburgh Napier University
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Heriot-Watt University
- The City of Edinburgh Council
- The Hub for Success
- The Scottish Funding Council
- The University of Dundee
- The University of Edinburgh
- The University of Glasgow
- The University of St. Andrews
- The University of the West of Scotland.
We thank the Care-Experienced people who participated in the working group, contributed to and shaped content, and ensured the voice of care experience was central to this resource.
We are particularly grateful to the many Care-Experienced students who have shared their stories as videos and case studies – Carol, Charlie, Dionne, Gary, Jayde, Jenna, Lee, Lynda and Megan. Their participation really brought the course to life.
We also thank Chloe, Jemma, Lisa and Rosie of Who Cares? Scotland, Jessie and Shona of the Hub for Success, and all those who work to support Care-Experienced students to access higher education and enable their voices to be heard.
The OUiS project team included Sam, Amy and Gill. With thanks to the Open Media and Informal Learning team for technical development. Quiz design by Catherine Halliwell.
Except if otherwise stated this content is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources:
Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
Section 1
No third party
Section 2
268932: Children in exercise class: Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash
273695: SFC’s National Ambition for Care-Experienced Students: Scottish Funding Council
268899: Graph 1: Adapted from Scottish Government (2018) Children, Education and Skills, A National Statistics publication for Scotland, reproduced under the terms of the Open Government Licence,
268994: Scottish Funding Council care-experienced definition: Scottish Funding Council
Section 3
268938: Homelessness: Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash
268902: Graph 3: CELCIS (2019) Homelessness and care experience. Beyond the headlines. Beyond the Headlines by CELCIS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License licenses/ by-nc/ 4.0/
268942: Studying at college: Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash
269563: Risk of criminalisation – Dionne: Who Cares? Scotland
269564: Risk of criminalisation – Charlie: Who Cares? Scotland
269566: Educational attainment – Lee: Who Cares? Scotland
269569: Housing and homelessness – Lee: Who Cares? Scotland
279386: Housing and homelessness – Jayde: Who Cares? Scotland
269570: Mental health and trauma – Megan: Who Cares? Scotland
269571: Access to University – Lee: Who Cares? Scotland
Section 4
268904: Graph 4: OU Scotland
269581: Self-declaration – Lee: Who Cares? Scotland
269573: Self-declaration – Gary: Who Cares? Scotland
269575: Beyond graduation – Lynda: Who Cares? Scotland
269574: Beyond graduation – Gary: Who Cares? Scotland
278602: Beyond graduation: NHS
Section 5
279544: University of Glasgow logo: University of Glasgow
Hexagon image (and course banner): Dr Gregor Clunie, Who Cares? Scotland. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence
269576: Being alert – Jayde: Who Cares? Scotland
269577: Assessing needs – Megan: Who Cares? Scotland
269578: Promoting interests – Jayde: Who Cares? Scotland
269579: Access opportunities, services and support – Gary: Who Cares? Scotland