Resource 2: Outline of a letter to an author
Teacher resource for planning or adapting to use with pupils
The author could be a pupil in your class. If you have shared books with another class, the author could be that class or a pupil in that class.
Dear ………
We have just read ……… (title of story) in our class. We thought you might like to know what we think about this story.
Firstly, we like ……… (one or two sentences here). We like this because ……… (pupils write their reason).
We also like ……… (one or two sentences here). We enjoyed this because ……… (pupils write their reason).
However, we did not like ……… (one or two sentences here). We did not like this because ……… (pupils write their reason).
When you write another story we hope you will ……… (pupils make suggestions).
Yours sincerely
(Name of the class)
Resource 1: Asking questions – to encourage pupils to think critically about a story