Section 2: Ways to collect and perform stories
Key Focus Question: How can you use performance to develop your pupils’ language skills?
Keywords: stories; collect; perform; confidence; competence; pride; cultural heritage
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this section, you will have:
- worked with your local community to promote language skills and pride in cultural heritage;
- planned and organised opportunities for performance before an audience.;
Using different kinds of oral activities can develop your pupils’ confidence in speaking and listening and promote pride in their home languages. This will have a positive impact on their self-esteem. Pupils who feel more confident about who they are will learn more easily.
The activities in this section provide opportunities for your pupils to collect, rehearse and perform stories in front of an audience. It is suggested that you work with older community members by asking for their help in providing stories and in sharing their storytelling skills. These activities will build competence in the home language, on to which you can later build additional language skills.
Resource 6: Assessing your story