Resource 2: Name poems and stories
Teacher resource for planning or adapting to use with pupils
A name poem written by a teacher in Nigeria
Thoughts about the letters of my name by Tade
T – tough and strong
A – ambitious in all things
D – determined
E – endurance is the key to success
That’s my name!
A name poem written by a teacher in South Africa
Thoughts about the letters of my name by Thabo X
T stands for tough – I’m a man of steel
H is for happy – the way I feel
A is for ambition to be the…
One of a kind – that’s me!
A name story written by a teacher in South Africa
A naming story that was told to me by Mbhevula Ntuli
A long time ago, in the middle of summer, my grandfather, then named Mavuvu, went to the river to fulfil some ritual ceremonies. There he came across a full-grown buffalo that had come to drink. The animal charged him and they fought. He killed the massive beast and immediately ran home to tell his father about his amazing feat. His father, Muraai, sent a message round the village and people rushed to the river. It was true – there lay the dead buffalo!
From that day Mavuvu received great respect from whoever knew what he had done. Men and women, young and old, honoured him. Some people started to give him the nickname ‘Mbhevula’. The whispered name reached the ears of his father Muraai who decided to call the tribe together for a name-changing ceremony. Officially, Mavuvu became Mbhevula, meaning ‘buffalo’ in the Ndebele language.
When I was born, in the middle of the 20th century, I was named after my grandfather. It is a name that I associate with the courage and strength of my ancestor and I am proud of it.
Resource 1:Preparing lessons on name or praise poems