12.2 Being a reflective teacher educator
Being a reflective practitioner involves asking yourself ‘why’ questions. Before you can help others to become reflective practitioners, you have to be one yourself. In the first instance this means being aware of the impact you are having on students in your classes. If they are finding it difficult to stay awake in your class, think about how you could make the topic more engaging. If a several students submit an assignment that scores low marks, ask yourself how you could have explained the topic better.
Activity 12.2: Reflecting on your own teaching
This activity will help you to reflect on your own teaching.
Part 1
Think about one of the classes that you teach.
- what do your students think about your teaching?
- how could you find out?
- write down some of your ideas and the evidence that you have to support your conclusions.
Part 2
Compare your thoughts with a colleague.
- try to identify why they might have formed that view
- what do you think you need to do less of in your own teaching?
- what do you think you need to do more of?
Being reflective is one of the most effective ways for any professional to improve their practice. Since teachers spend most of the time on their own with their students, it is important that they think about their own practice, because they will not get direct feedback unless someone observes them teach. Once qualified, this is rare. It is also unlikely that you have ever been formally observed working with students.

12.1 Auditing teaching methods