5.3 Supporting activities of daily living

This module and the Toolbox highlights that each learner is an individual and effective communication between practitioners and the family can support the autistic learner to engage in activities of daily living. Developing the skills to carry out activities of daily living are crucial to a person’s independence and their ability to take part in the wider world. As well as the individual skill, opportunities or adaptations in the environment can help or hinder meaningful participation in these activities. Independence in activities of daily living can be an area of support need. For a child to dress independently, they don’t just need the motor skills, they also need motivation, understanding of why they are doing it and might be assisted by, for example, laying clothes out in the order that they will be put on, a visual sequencer or physical prompts (handing items to them). For example, sensory processing differences, difficulties in social understanding and motor issues may all impact together negatively for the task of being able to dress independently.

Activity 15

Explore the ‘Supporting Activities of Daily Living [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’ section on the Toolbox which provides information and suggestions. This will be required for the end-of-module quiz.

5.4 Considerations for educational staff