9.2.1  Where there is no supplementary feeding programme

If the malnourished person is an adult or older child, you can discuss their condition with them. If it is a younger child who is malnourished, then you would talk with their caregiver. Involving the family in discussions helps them to think about why the adult or child may have become malnourished. Your knowledge on causes of malnutrition from Study Session 6 will help you here. You can then provide nutritional advice to the entire family to ensure that the moderately malnourished person takes energy-rich food, as well as more fat and protein in their diet. You can look again at the study session on essential nutrients and food sources if you need to remind yourself about energy-rich foods.

Following up the progress of the moderately malnourished person is very important to encourage continuation of good feeding and caring behaviour (you will learn how to do nutrition counselling in Study Session 11). Plan to do a home visit within one or two weeks of your first visit to see how the family is implementing your recommendations. The aim of your intervention is to move the moderately malnourished person back into the normal range in the table above.

  • What can you do for a moderately malnourished child where there is no supplementary feeding?

  • You may have rightly said that you will provide nutritional advice to the family, especially the primary caregiver and follow up the progress by doing a home visit to see if the family is following your recommendations and the child is improving.

9.2  Principles of management of moderate acute malnutrition

9.2.2  Where there is a supplementary feeding programme