Summary of Study Session 10
In Study Session 10 you learned that:
- All infants under six months with SAM need to be treated in an in-patient facility.
- The presence of medical complications, including general danger signs, or failing the appetite test means that a severely malnourished child should be classified as severe complicated malnutrition and referred to an in-patient facility.
- Children of six months or older with severe uncomplicated malnutrition can be treated in an OTP at your health post.
- There are admission, referral and discharge criteria to and from OTP.
- The OTP protocol provides you with the key steps for managing children with severe acute malnutrition.
- It is important to record information on the appropriate registration and recording forms.
- There are different aspects for organising out-patient treatment of SAM, including community mobilisation and using formal communication channels to ensure your community are aware of the relevant services.
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10.6.3 Assignment of OTP days