Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 11

Now that you have completed the study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers on your study diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next study support meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of the module.

SAQ 11.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3)

  • a.Write a list explaining the differences between nutrition education and nutrition behaviour change communication (BCC).
  • b.Why is BCC important?


  • a.Nutrition behaviour change communication (BCC) is different from nutrition education in that BCC needs at least three contacts to change behaviour. Unlike nutrition education, which aims at increasing awareness or knowledge, BCC targets change of behaviour or practice.
  • b.BCC is important because it can influence and lead to lasting change in an individual's behaviour and practice. There are several stages a person is likely to go through, from a stage of pre-awareness, where they are not even aware of the change they need to make (for example, not knowing about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, through the intention to make the change, but uncertain how to do this and therefore needing encouragement) through to adopting and maintaining the new behaviour (exclusive breastfeeding) and becoming an advocate of the practice to others in the community. BCC is therefore more than just education; it is about promoting sustained changes in the way a person does something.

SAQ 11.2 (tests Learning Outcomes 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3)

Match the correct stage of behaviour change with the actions needed to facilitate the change to the next stage.

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Build awareness/provide information

  2. Persuade/give more information

  3. Encourage/discuss benefits

  4. Negotiate and help to overcome obstacles

  5. Discuss benefits and provide support at all levels

  6. Praise/reinforce the benefits

  • a.Aware

  • b.Telling others

  • c.Trial

  • d.Maintenance

  • e.Pre-aware

  • f.Contemplation/intention

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = e
  • 2 = a
  • 3 = f
  • 4 = c
  • 5 = d
  • 6 = b

SAQ 11.3 (tests Learning Outcomes 11.3 and 11.4)

Explain the key messages of essential nutrition actions to be used in the BCC for preventing vitamin A deficiency.


In order to help prevent vitamin A deficiency there are a number of important messages to give your community:

  • The importance of breastfeeding
  • The need for vitamin A supplementation
  • Consumption of vitamin A-rich foods (dark green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables) is part of a healthy and balanced diet.

SAQ 11.4 (tests Learning Outcomes 11.3 and 11.5)

Why are the critical health contact points for nutrition BCC important? Think of two or more reasons.


The critical health contact points are important for nutrition BCC for the following reasons:

  • They can be used as an opportunity to educate mothers /care givers about nutrition
  • Mothers are likely to implement the suggested actions or when you do a home visit.

SAQ 11.5 (tests Learning Outcome 11.6)

What non-health contact points with the mothers could be used for nutrition BCC?


Other non-health contacts, including with schools, emergency services, agricultural activities, and water and sanitation programmes can also be used as contacts to pass on nutrition messages. You can play an important role in working with other professionals in your community to promote key messages about nutrition.

SAQ 11.6 (tests Learning Outcomes 11.6 and 11.7)

  • a.What are the steps in delivering nutrition counselling?
  • b.Why is nutrition counselling important?


  • a.The steps in delivering nutrition counselling are abbreviated as GALIDRA: greeting, asking the mother what her problem is, listening to what she is saying, identifying the causes of her problem and potential resources, discussing the alternative solutions with the mother, recommending the best alternative and appointing the mother
  • b.Nutrition counselling is important because it is an individual BCC strategy that gives you an opportunity to involve the mother or any individual in the community in seeking a solution to his or her problem. Because it follows a triple A cycle, it has high potential in bringing about behavioural change.

SAQ 11.7 (tests Learning Outcomes 11.1 and 11.2)

What is the triple A cycle and when might you use it?


The triple A cycle is a process of assessment of the nutrition situation of vulnerable segments of the population, analysis of the possible causes of the problems and possible solutions, and action based on the evidences obtained from the analyses and reassessment. The triple A cycle is used in many activities related to nutrition, such as growth monitoring and maternal counselling on child feeding and nutritional surveillance.

SAQ 11.8 (tests Learning Outcome 11.6)

What informal community gatherings can be used for ENA BCC?


Different informal community gatherings can be used as an opportunity for passing the key messages of the essential nutrition actions. For example: market days, ‘Debo’, ‘Edir’, ‘Equb’, Coffee Ceremonies ‘Mahiber’ and ‘senbete’.

SAQ 11.9 (tests Learning Outcome 11.8)

What are the critical focuses of the nutrition BCC in Ethiopia?


The following are important focus areas for nutrition BCC in Ethiopia:

  • Promotion of ENAs.
  • Promotion of food-based approaches to enhance the production and consumption of a wide range of nutritious foods.

A balanced and healthy diet is the key outcome.

Summary of Study Session 11