7  Relationship with your Blended Learning Supervisor

Throughout your time as a tutor you will receive support from a Blended Learning Supervisor, appointed by the Regional Health Bureau, who will also oversee the organisation and delivery of the practical skills training sessions for your students. You and your supervisor will meet regularly to discuss how you feel your role as a new Blended Learning Tutor is progressing, and if there is any support you may need in order to facilitate the learning of your students more effectively.

You and your supervisor will also discuss the progress that each of your students is making, and consider how best to support a student who is having any difficulty in keeping up with the pace of study, or achieving the Learning Outcomes of the Modules. Reviewing the assessment record of each student from the grades you have awarded for the Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) is also an opportunity for the supervisor to discuss the marks you have awarded (e.g. if you are marking too high or too low compared with the marking guide for that TMA), and to comment on the supportive feedback you have written on the student’s script. The supervisor is there to help you in supporting your students, so that they can study successfully and improve the health education, healthcare and social mobilisation they provide in their communities.