2.1  Study Diaries

As your students study the Modules they will have a lot of exercises to complete.  At the end of each study session, for example, there are Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) that they will be expected to answer in writing in English. When you meet your students at their next Study Support Meeting, they will be expected to show you their answers to these SAQs, so you can check their understanding of the Module and offer support when needed. This activity also gives the students an opportunity to ask you (as their tutor) about any issues that have arisen for them since your last meeting.

To help this process each student should have a Study Diary.  This is simply an exercise book or file that they should use to record:

  • the date on which they completed each study session
  • any notes they made while studying it
  • their written answers to the SAQs for that study session
  • any queries that they want to raise with you
  • a record of the practical training they have completed.

Students have to supply their own Study Diaries (they are not provided for them).  Each student may want to record their activities in a way that suits her personally.  Some may use an exercise book, while others prefer a loose-leaf file or folder.  In either case it is important for you to make sure that they continue to be systematic in recording all the required material for the whole time that they are studying.

2  Helping your students to learn

3  Grading assignments and providing feedback to students