8.2  Finding out if a woman is pregnant

The indications of pregnancy are generally classified into three groups:

  • The possible symptoms: changes in her body that a woman can identify for herself and tell you about, which may mean she is pregnant, but they could also be caused by something else. You only have the woman’s subjective report on which to base your diagnosis. However, at Health Post level, the possible symptoms are often all the evidence that is available to you in the first three to six months.
  • The probable signs and symptoms: some of these indicators are reported by the woman, but you can also see them for yourself. There is also a pregnancy test that you may be able to conduct, or that could be done at the next level health facility.
  • The positive signs: these are absolute proof of pregnancy, based on objective findings.

8.1  Gaining a woman’s trust in antenatal care

8.2.1  Possible symptoms of pregnancy