22.4.1 Bladder catheterisation equipment
Assemble the necessary equipment for the procedure and lay them on a very clean dish or tray (see Figure 22.7). We will describe the equipment in detail after you have looked at Figure 22.7.

- Sterile drainage tubing with a collection bag to hold the urine draining from the bladder. It will come in a sterile plastic package (not shown in Figure 22.7).
- Alcohol or antiseptic cleaning solution to clean the genital area; if you do not have it, use soap and water.
- Cotton swabs or small pieces of very clean cloth.
- Sterile gloves; if you do not have them use very clean gloves.
- Tube of lubricant (slippery gel to help the catheter go in more easily).
- Syringe containing sterile water to inflate the catheter balloon.
- Sterile catheter of the correct size; the size in common use is 16FC (FC or Foley Catheter, is the unit used to indicate the size of the catheter). It will come in a sterile plastic package (not shown in Figure 22.7). Notice the side tube which connects to an inflatable balloon at the tip of the catheter.
- Good light source; a battery operated torch may serve the purpose, but you will need to ask someone to hold it for you.
- Cloth to drape over the woman’s lower body.
22.4 Bladder catheterisation