
Analysing pesticides experiment

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Analysing pesticides experiment

About this course

  • 3 hours study
  • Level 0: Beginner


3.8 out of 5 stars

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    • General

      • Welcome to the experiment
        This OpenScience Lab experiment is part of the OpenScience Lab project.  It gives you an example of the type of experiment which is carried out in university science courses.  You can learn about gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy in this experiment and study this online at a pace that suits you. 

        While this is designed for self-study, this experiment can also be delivered in the classroom as part of secondary school science lessons (this will take 2-3 hours).  You can also download the material to study offline, though you need to return to the online version to complete the experiments.

        Chemical contamination of water resources

        Chemical contamination of water resources (© The Open University)

        By studying this short course you will have the opportunity to gain a Statement of Participation - you need to click on the 'Enrol' button for your activity to be recorded.  Please visit every page when enrolled and complete the activities in order to gain the Statement of Participation.

        Except for third party materials and where otherwise stated, when individual resources included in this course have other licences, this course content is made available under a CC BY SA 4.0 licence.

        The Analysing pesticides experiment has been adapted for secondary school pupils from an extract of the Open University course S288 Practical Science by the Opening Educational Practices in Scotland project.

        Opening Educational Practices in Scotland logo and The Open University logo

      • Learners, tell us about your experience of using this site for online study - please complete our online survey to help us improve OpenLearn Create.

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  • This course is part of a collection

    This course is part of a collection

    This course is part of a collection of courses called OpenScience Laboratory. There are 2 courses in this collection so you may find other courses here that maybe of interest to you.

    See this collection

  • Course learning outcomes

    The investigation will build your knowledge and skills in the following areas:

    • Chromatography and its uses

    • Develop approach to problem solving through applying scientific inquiry, scientific analytical thinking and problem solving skills

    • Planning and undertaking a practical investigation and analysing results

  • Course dates:

    First Published 18/07/2017.

    Updated 02/10/2017

Course content

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Course Reviews

4 Ratings

5 reviews for this course

This course is rated 3.8

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Course reviews

  • Alfred Kwablah Anim

    Well structured

    Alfred Kwablah Anim6 February 2023 1:50

    Very informative and practical oriented

  • Mohamed Mohamed Alamin Babiker

    Medical laboratory

    Mohamed Mohamed Alamin Babiker4 December 2020 11:55

  • DHIRAJ Kumar


    DHIRAJ Kumar27 May 2020 8:48


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