TPD@Scale concepts and principles


1.3 Your experiences of TPD@Scale principles

Think about these questions. There are no right or wrong answers here. You can jot down your answers in your Personal Blog.

(a) How do you think ‘equity’ is different to ‘equality’? Give an example from your professional experience.

(b) In your local, regional or national context, what would equity in teacher professional development look like?

(c) Think of a successful TPD programme that utilises ICTs, that you know of. How could this model be implemented further, for more teachers in other locations, where conditions are different?  What would need to be changed or adapted, and why?

(d) Think of a successful TPD programme that does not currently use ICTs. Could this programme be expanded to more teachers with the use of ICTs? What type of ICT might be appropriate, given what you know about teachers’ access to connectivity and to digital devices? How could ICTs make the programme more equitable, efficient, or higher quality?

Now click to compare your ideas with some of our ideas. Compare your experiences with others, if you are working in a group.