Open and closed cohorts
You need the course manager role for your course to configure enrolment keys.
- Using open and closed cohorts
- Setting up an enrolment key
- Groups and enrolment keys
- Using group enrolment keys for enrolment
- Restricting course activities to cohort groups
- Manually adding a user to a group
- Notifying learners about enrolling on your course
3. Groups and enrolment keys
You may wish to run the same course with several supported cohorts either at the same time or in successive groups, if the course content remains the same.
Use the groups function to set up each cohort, which will need a title, a cohort code, a description and a cohort enrolment key.
Create groups
Go to Course administration – OpenLearners – Groups
Click on ‘create group’
Give the group a name, an ID number, a description and an enrolment key. Try not to make the enrolment key easy to guess, it is best creating an enrolment key with a mix of upper and lowercase characters, at least one special character such as * or # and some numbers. Save the changes.
You can edit the group details by clicking on ‘edit group settings’.
If you want to import several groups with their associated enrolment keys you can import them in a .txt file with comma separated values. You will need the following headings for the data in the .txt file, so the data for each group should be in this order: