Open and closed cohorts
You need the course manager role for your course to configure enrolment keys.
- Using open and closed cohorts
- Setting up an enrolment key
- Groups and enrolment keys
- Using group enrolment keys for enrolment
- Restricting course activities to cohort groups
- Manually adding a user to a group
- Notifying learners about enrolling on your course
7. Notifying learners about enrolling on your course
Once your course has been published, if your course is open to anyone to enrol on, it will appear on the Free courses listing on the site, so you can partly rely on search engines finding the course or people visiting the site and searching the list for courses to study, though obviously you can also promote the course yourself.
If your course is a closed cohort course in a private collection, you will need to notify the learners about it yourself. You can put some information in the private collection page which explains how learners can obtain the enrolment key for the course they want to study. You can also send out an email from you or your organisation to a group of learners with the following information in the instructions:
- Register an account (or if they already have an OU account, use that account)
- Login to OpenLearn Create with their account.
- Go to the course URL (which you will need to provide to them in the email) when logged in and insert the enrolment key in the enrolment screen. You will need to tell them the enrolment key in the message you send to them. Ask them not to share the enrolment key with anyone else.
If you have sent out an enrolment key to learners, you will need to monitor who has enrolled on the course.