Open and closed cohorts
You need the course manager role for your course to configure enrolment keys.
- Using open and closed cohorts
- Setting up an enrolment key
- Groups and enrolment keys
- Using group enrolment keys for enrolment
- Restricting course activities to cohort groups
- Manually adding a user to a group
- Notifying learners about enrolling on your course
1. Using open and closed cohorts
Most courses on OpenLearn Create are open for anyone to enrol on and complete without any barriers. However, some courses are set up for closed cohorts for a specific group of people to study, so are not open courses. On OpenLearn Create this is done by using a password called an enrolment key as a barrier to enrolment, and switching off guest access to the course, so the content cannot be seen by anyone who has not enrolled. Some activities such as quizzes will require enrolment for them to be viewed and completed, even if guest access is allowed.
There are various options for open and closed courses:
- Open cohort – anyone can enrol, anyone can see the course content without enrolling (open enrolment, guest access switched on, no need for an enrolment key).
- Open enrolment – anyone can enrol, only those who have enrolled can see course content (open enrolment, guest access switched off, no need for an enrolment key).
- Closed enrolment – a restricted group of people can enrol, anyone can see the course content without enrolling (enrolment key applied, guest access switched on). This combination is unusual.
- Closed cohort – a restricted group of people can enrol, only those who have enrolled can see course content (enrolment key applied, guest access switched off)
If a course is a closed cohort, it is better that it does not appear in the Free courses listing on the site because anyone finding it there and clicking on it for more information will get the enrolment key screen with no further information about the course or how to obtain the enrolment key. The only way to stop it from appearing in the free courses listing is to set it up in a private collection. Private collections do not appear in the Collections section of the website. They are set up for organisations who do not want their collection to be publicly available and are usually for a specific group of users. The private collection page can still be found by search engines but the content of closed cohort courses in the private collection cannot be found by search engines. A private collection can only be set up by an OLC manager.