Invite others to collaborate on authoring and editing
You have created a course space and want others to help you author and edit the course. You can invite colleagues to collaborate in the draft course space.
How to invite others to collaborate
To invite others to collaborate on the course, please do the following:
- Tell your colleagues (via email) about OpenLearn Create and ask them to login to the site. They sign into OpenLearn Create (or register a free account if they haven't got a free OU account then sign in to OpenLearn Create).
- Send an email to with the following information: The course title and URL
The names and email addresses of the people to enrol on the course with the 'collaborator' role. - Once the person monitoring the mailbox has replied to confirm enrolment of these people, your colleague(s) can navigate to the course either via the course URL you send them or via their OpenLearn Create profile.
Please note: the system will not send notification emails telling them when they are manually enrolled on the course. - Your colleague(s) can click on the course and the learner view of the course appears with the 'Edit your course' button now visible. They click on 'Edit your course' and can see the editing screens. They will also be able to view the Enrolled users list and will be able to see all names on the list along with their roles. They will not be able to amend the roles of others apart from being able to remove the Collaborator role.
- Your colleagues who have the collaborator role for the draft course can also access and update the Edit settings form.