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Fiona Foulkes Post 1

13 August 2019, 8:46 PM

Defining Leadership

This week we provided our definition of leadership as: ‘Leadership is a collaborative, political and participative practice that provides direction, energy and critical engagement on issues that are made to matter.

I’ve been interested to see leadership described as a practice on this course - I’m more used to the idea that some people display leadership characteristics and others don’t. I do wonder whether the power dynamics within an organisation have a role to play in whether people feel and act more as leaders compared to followers.

I struggle to define leadership in and of itself but when I think of people who’ve displayed good leadership, they have a clear direction coupled with empathy and a willingness for others to reach their potential whilst supporting a shared goal.

Carol Jacklin-Jarvis Post 2 in reply to 1

14 August 2019, 9:06 AM

Hi Fiona

It's interesting that it is common to struggle to define leadership, yet we all have a sense of what 'good' leadership looks like in practice.  I wonder if one of the reasons for this, as you begin to suggest here and elsewhere, is that context is so important for leadership, including an organization's power dynamics, culture, and purpose.  What do you think?
