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Thursday, 23 May 2024, 8:37 PM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Identifying and responding to additional support needs in ELC (Identifying and responding to additional support needs)
Glossary: Glossary

additional support needs

A child or young person is said to have 'additional support needs' if they need more, or different support to what is normally provided in schools or pre-schools to children of the same age.


cerebral palsy

A life-long condition caused by lack of oxygen and damage to the brain which results in difficulties with body movement and reduced muscle coordination.

Child’s Plan

If a child or young person needs some extra support to meet their wellbeing needs such as access to mental health services or respite care, the professionals working with the child will prepare and co-ordinate support through a Child’s Plan. Creating a Child’s Plan is part of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. More information is available at



Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working properly. It often involves diverting blood to a machine to be cleaned.


kidney transplant

An operation where a kidney is removed from a human being and transplanted into another human being. 

kinship care

The raising of children by grandparents, other extended family members, and adults with whom they have a close family-like relationship such as godparents and close family friends because biological parents are unable to do so for whatever reason.


Lead Professional

When two or more agencies (for example social work and health) need to work together to provide help to a child or young person and family, there will be a Lead Professional to co-ordinate the help. The Lead Professional is the main point of contact for parents.

looked after

Some children and young people have difficult life experiences that may mean local authorities, the Children’s Hearing system and the law courts need to get involved. The situation may lead to the child or young person becoming looked after by their local authority. A child may be looked after at home by their parents or looked after away from home through placement in foster, kinship or residential care. All children and young people who are looked after must have a regularly reviewed care plan.



Makaton is designed to support spoken language – signs are used with speech in spoken word in order to help children and adults to communicate.

medical model of disability

This model links a disability diagnosis to an individual's physical body. The model supposes that this disability may reduce the individual's quality of life and the aim is, with medical intervention, this disability will be diminished or corrected.


Named Person

A Named Person is a single point of contact who can work with a child and their family to sort out any additional help, advice or support if they need it. Health visitors, head teachers or senior teachers will be the Named Person for most children and young people, depending on their age. They will also be the main contact for children and families.



Serious thought or consideration.


social model of disability

This model says that disability is caused by the way society is organised rather than by a person's impairment or difference. It looks at ways of removing barriers that restrict life choices for disabled people.