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Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 3:35 AM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences 2.0 (ORION_MOOC_2.0)
Glossary: Glossary: Open Science in the Life Sciences

Activity_Open Access Journal Policies


Revista Española de Salud Pública (ISSN: 1135-5727, ESSN: 2173-9110)


This is a RoMEO ungraded journal

Listed in:

DOAJ as an open access journal

- This journal's policies have not been checked by RoMEO.
- DOAJ says this is an open access journal, but this may only mean that it is freely available to read.
- Most open access journals also permit self-archiving and re-use, but some do not.
- Do not assume that self-archiving is allowed, unless it is published under a
Creative Commons license.
- Please contact the publisher for further information if necessary.
- Please
contact us if you wish to suggest adding this publisher properly to RoMEO

Published by:

Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo



Nature Medicine (ISSN: 1078-8956, ESSN: 1546-170X)


This is a RoMEO yellow journal

Author's Pre-print:

  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)

Author's Post-print:

  subject to Restrictions below, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)


  • 6 months embargo

Publisher's Version/PDF:

  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF

General Conditions:

  • Research articles only
  • On author's personal website, institutional repository and funder designated repository
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Must link to publisher version
  • Published source must be acknowledged and DOI cited
  • Post-prints are subject to Springer Nature re-use terms

Mandated OA:

(Awaiting information)


  • Applies to Research articles only


Pre-print policy - Self-archiving policy - Post-print re-use terms


20-Sep-2018 - Suggest an update for this record

Link to this page:

Activity: Open Access Journal Policies

Metallomics (ISSN: 1756-5901, ESSN: 1756-591X)

Paid OA, pre-print self-archiving allowed, post-print as well but after a 12-mo. embargo

Redox Biology (ISSN: 2213-2317, ESSN: 2213-2317)

OA journal

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (ISSN: 0162-0134, ESSN: 1873-3344)

Paid OA, pre-print self-archiving allowed, post-print as well but after a 12-48 mo. embargo

AIMS Public Health


AIMS Public Health (ESSN: 2327-8994)


This is a RoMEO green journal (Can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF)

Listed in:

DOAJ as an open access journal

Author's Pre-print:

author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)

Author's Post-print:

author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)

Publisher's Version/PDF:

author can archive publisher's version/PDF

General Conditions:

  • On any website
  • Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Publisher's version/PDF may be used

Mandated OA:

(Awaiting information)


  • Publisher last reviewed on 06/05/2016
  • All titles are open access journals


American Society for Microbiology

Open Access Journal


Bioinformatics (ISSN: 1367-4803, ESSN: 1460-2059) - OA Policy

A paid open access option is available for this journal.

Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing).

Author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing).

Author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF

BioTechniques - OA Policy

Listed in  DOAJ as an open access journal.

Authors can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing);

Authors can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing);

Authors can archive the publisher's version/PDF.

Briefings in Bioinformatics - OA Policy

A paid open access option is available for this journal. 

Authors can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing); 

Authors can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)

Authors cannot archive the publisher's version/PDF

British Journal for the History of Science

Journal: British Journal for the History of Science (ISSN: 0007-0874, ESSN: 1474-001X)
RoMEO: This is a RoMEO green journal
Paid OA: A paid open access option is available for this journal.
Author's Pre-print: green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print: green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF: cross  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Author's Pre-print on author's personal website, departmental website, social media websites, institutional repository, non-commercial subject-based repositories, such as PubMed Central, Europe PMC or arXiv
  • Author's post-print on author's personal website, departmental website, institutional repository, non-commercial subject-based repositories, such as PubMed Central, Europe PMC or arXiv, on acceptance of publication
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Published abstract may be deposited
  • Pre-print to record acceptance for publication
  • Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged
  • Must link to publisher version or journal website
  • Authors may choose to use a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License


Data repository

B2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy way for researchers, scientific communities and citizen scientists to store and publish small-scale research data from diverse contexts.


eLife Sciences Publications

Open access


'Energy Research and Social Science' Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

Journal:Energy Research and Social Science (ISSN: 2214-6296, ESSN: 2214-6296)
RoMEO:This is a RoMEO green journal
Paid OA:A paid open access option is available for this journal. 
Author's Pre-print:green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print:green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF:cross  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Authors pre-print on any website, including arXiv and RePEC
  • Author's post-print on author's personal website immediately
  • Author's post-print on open access repository after an embargo period of between 12 months and 48 months
  • Permitted deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate, may be required to comply with embargo periods of 12 months to 48 months
  • Author's post-print may be used to update arXiv and RepEC
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Must link to publisher version with DOI
  • Author's post-print must be released with a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License
Mandated OA:(Awaiting information)
Paid Open Access:Open Access
  • Publisher last reviewed on 03/06/2015
Copyright:Unleashing the power of academic sharing - Sharing Policy - Sharing and Hosting Policy FAQ - Green open access - Journal Embargo Period List (pdf) - Journal Embargo List for UK Authors - Attaching a User License (pdf) - Funding Body Agreements
Updated:01-May-2015 - Suggest an update for this record
Link to this page:
Published by:Elsevier - Green Policies in RoMEO


Expasy tool

An open resource tool in bioinformatics



GigaScience is an open access, open data, open peer-review journal focusing on ‘big data’ research from the life and biomedical sciences.



HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields. It has a good position in the international web repository ranking

Harm Reduction Journal (OA Policy)

  • Paid Open Access: yes
  • Pre/post-print archiving: yes, pre-print and post-print
  • Embargo period: n/a
  • Other restrictions/curiosities:  Creative Commons Attribution Licence, must link to DOI

HCUP tools and software

The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) is a family of healthcare databases and related software tools and products developed through a Federal-State-Industry partnership and sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Among the open software they make available, we can highlight:

- Clinical Classification System (CCS) for ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM.

- Chronic Condition Indicator (CCI).

- Elixhauser Comorbidity Software.

This open software tools can be used for the management of clinical-administrative databases with research purposes.


IGI Global: is a open access publisher?

Colours of Sheroa/Romeo are ambiguous and not easy for researcher to understand if a publisher has a Open Access policy or not.
For example, the color of IGI Global is Blue, "Can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF" and if we read the "General Conditions" says that "Publisher's version/PDF must be used"...
For a researcher this could be a Open Access publisher but not. They don't allow post-print, or pre print, and we need to pay APC "Article processing charge "...

The terms and definitions are not easy! We need to simplify this "taxonomy"!

IJTLD The Union

Immunity (OA policy)

This is a RoMEO yellow journal.

A paid open access option is available for this journal.

Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing).

Author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) --> 12 months embargo


That's a journal I'm interested in and it's listed as a ROMEO Green Journal.

International Economics

International Economics publishes top-quality, original research in applied international economics. Topics covered include trade, trade policy, macroeconomics and finance. A section is devoted to "Data, Tools, and Replication". Submission options include "Fast track" and "Transfer" from top journals. 

International Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN: 0300-5771, ESSN: 1464-3685)

This is a RoMEO green journal. A paid open access option is available for this journal.

- Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)

- Author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)

- Author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF



This is. ROMEO White Journa

The author can not self archive prepint but can archive post print with previous permission from the author

Curiosity: the information needs an urgent update, it’s from 2009

Jcom journal

Category White, non archivable 

Journal of Hospital Librarianship

Journal of Hospital Librarianship

 (ISSN: 1532-3269, ESSN: 1532-3277)

Paid OA: paid OA option is available for this journal

Autor's pre-print/post-print : can archive pre-print and post-print

other restriction: author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF

Journal of Immunology

This is a RoMEO GREEN journal. A paid open access option is available.

Journal Open Access Policies

Type of policy: RoMEO green journal

Meaning: You can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF by paying a fee.



Journal of Hospital Librarianship

 (ISSN: 1532-3269, ESSN: 1532-3277)

Paid OA: paid OA option is available for this journal

Autor's pre-print/post-print : can archive pre-print and post-print

other restriction: author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF


Author's Pre-print:green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print:green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF:cross  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Author's pre-print can only be posted prior to acceptance
  • Author's pre-print must be accompanied by set statement (see link)
  • Author's pre-print must not be replaced with post-print, instead a link to published version with amended set statement should be made
  • Author's pre-print on author's personal website, employer website, free public server or pre-prints in subject area
  • Author's post-print on authors personal website immediately
  • Author's post-print on open access repository after an embargo period of 2 years
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Published source must be acknowledged
  • Must link to publisher version
  • Set phrase to accompany archived copy (see policy)

Lists of open access journals

Updated and field-specific lists of open access journals, such as:


Full name is long non coding RNA. Compared with common protein coding RNAs, which we are familiar with, they don't generate a protein product. Instead, lncRNA tend to regulate the expression of other protein coding genes with pre/post transcriptional regulations.



Materials, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal. The journal aims to publish research related to materials properties and functions. 


MyData refers 1) to a new approach, a paradigm shift in personal data management and processing that seeks to transform the current organization centric system to a human centric system, 2) to personal data as a resource that the individual can access and control.

Sometimes people decide to share MyData, e.g. DNA raw data or data from wearables. This creates possibilities for new participant-centered approaches for health and personal data sharing, research, and citizen science.


Nature Communications

Journal: Nature Communications [1] (ESSN: 2041-1723)
RoMEO: This is a RoMEO green journal
Listed in: DOAJ as an open access journal
Author's Pre-print: green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print: green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF: green tick  author can archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Author's pre-print on any website (Research articles only)
  • Immediately upon publication
  • On any website
  • Publisher's version/PDF may be used
  • Must link to publisher version
  • Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged and DOI cited
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Creative Commons Attribution License
Mandated OA: (Awaiting information)
  • Research content only
  • All titles are open access journals
Copyright: Pre-print policy - Self-archiving policy
Updated: 09-Nov-2018 - Suggest an update for this record
Link to this page:
Published by: Nature Research (part of Springer Nature): Fully open access journals - Green Policies in RoMEO


life science



Open Access for Journals

Viruses: RoMEO green journal

  • On open access repositories
  • Publisher's version/PDF may be used
  • Published source must be acknowledged
  • Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Authors are encouraged to submit their published articles to institutional repositories

Virology: RoMEO green journal

  • Authors pre-print on any website, including arXiv and RePEC
  • Author's post-print on author's personal website immediately
  • Author's post-print on open access repository after an embargo period of between 12 months and 48 months
  • Permitted deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate, may be required to comply with embargo periods of 12 months to 48 months
  • Author's post-print may be used to update arXiv and RepEC
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Must link to publisher version with DOI
  • Author's post-print must be released with a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License

Cell: RoMEO yellow

  • Author's pre-prints on ArXiv, bioRxiv or BioRN
  • On non-commercial hosting platforms including institutional repository
  • Published source must be acknowledged
  • Must link to journal homepage with DOI
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Author's post-print must be released with a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License

Open access Haematologica

Open Access policy for Cryptography Journal

Author's Pre-print:green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print:green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF:green tick  author can archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • On open access repositories
  • Publisher's version/PDF may be used
  • Published source must be acknowledged
  • Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Authors are encouraged to submit their published articles to institutional repositories


Open data

Data in an open format that can be freely used, re-used and shared by anyone for any purpose

Open Science

Good information

Open Science Tools

What tools and platforms do we already have? Do we miss anything?


a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from eachother and supports automated linkages between the reseacher and their professional activities ensuring that their work is recognized (by integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission)


Patient Engagement

The patient-centered model used in all healthcare projects needs to be redifined as patient empowerment and health self-control is getting more presence in the normal clinical  course of national healthcare systems.

PLoS Computational Biology (OA Policy)

The journal Open Access policies of PLoS Computational Biology are:

  • paid open access: yes
  • pre/post-print archiving: yes (pre- and post-print)
  • embargo period: none, OA journal
  • other restrictions/curiosities: authors retain copyright

PLoS Computational Biology is a RoMEO green journal.

plos one

Journal: PLoS ONE [1] (ESSN: 1932-6203)
RoMEO: This is a RoMEO green journal
Listed in: DOAJ as an open access journal
Author's Pre-print: green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print: green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF: green tick  author can archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Publisher's version/PDF may be used
  • Published source must be acknowledged with citation
  • Author's pre-prints can be deposited in pre-print servers
  • Publisher will deposit articles in PubMed Central
Mandated OA: (Awaiting information)
  • All titles are open access journals
Copyright: Pre-print Server policy - Open Access
Updated: 08-Sep-2016 - Suggest an update for this record
Link to this page:
Published by: Public Library of Science - Green Policies in RoMEO

Predatory Publishing

Predatory publishing generally refers to the systematic for-profit publication of purportedly scholarly content (in journals and articles, monographs, books, or conference proceedings) in a deceptive or fraudulent way and without any regard for quality assurance. (Definition taken from COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics)

Further information

  • Beall's List is a resource that helps you find out whether an OA journal that you plan to publish with is considered questionable or predatory:
  • More detailed information about the practice of predatory publishing and why it harms the reputation of scientists and Open Access Journals can be found in this discussion paper compiled by COPE:

Science communication

Science Reports (OA Policy)

The journal Open Access Policies of Science Reports are:

  • Requires an article processing charge APC: Yes
  • Pre/post-print archiving: yes, pre-print
  • Embargo period: No Embargo
  • Other restrictions: lisence CC BY, must link to publisher version; Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged and DOI cited

Servier Medical Art

Servier Medical Art is a life sciences image bank that provides you with thousands of professionally designed medical elements for your presentations and your scientific publications.


Journal of Wildlife Diseases - RoMEO ungraded


Veterinary Pathology

This is a RoMEO green journal
Paid OA:A paid open access option is available for this journal.
Author's Pre-print:green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print:green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF:cross  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Pre-print on any website
  • Author's post-print on author's personal website, departmental website, institutional website, institutional repository or other repositories, including PubMed Central
  • Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Post-print version with changes from referees comments can be used
  • "as published" final version with layout and copy-editing changes cannot be archived but can be used on secure institutional intranet
  • Must link to publisher version with DOI
Mandated OA:(Awaiting information)
Paid Open Access:SAGE Choice
  • Publisher last contacted on 21/08/2019
  • SAGE may give permission to deposit the Publisher's version/PDF on an unrestricted website of repository, upon request