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Sunday, 19 May 2024, 2:12 AM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences 2.0 (ORION_MOOC_2.0)
Glossary: Glossary: Open Science in the Life Sciences
Isabel Dorn


Open access Haematologica


Joao Dias

IGI Global: is a open access publisher?

Colours of Sheroa/Romeo are ambiguous and not easy for researcher to understand if a publisher has a Open Access policy or not.
For example, the color of IGI Global is Blue, "Can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF" and if we read the "General Conditions" says that "Publisher's version/PDF must be used"...
For a researcher this could be a Open Access publisher but not. They don't allow post-print, or pre print, and we need to pay APC "Article processing charge "...

The terms and definitions are not easy! We need to simplify this "taxonomy"!
Iris De San Pedro Botas

American Society for Microbiology

Open Access Journal

Guillermo del Riego


That's a journal I'm interested in and it's listed as a ROMEO Green Journal.