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Sunday, 28 April 2024, 7:49 PM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: TIDE Educational Practice Resources for Academic Staff (PUB_4596_1.0)
Glossary: Learner Activity Types Glossary


E.g. applying learning in a real-world setting

This activity is most often found in work-based learning or practical science modules. Students are required to apply their skills, knowledge and understanding in a real-world setting.

This does not include role play and simulated scenarios but could include a case study if it is taken from the student’s real-world setting. The key is that students receive real-life feedback on the activity e.g. from customers or clients, work colleagues or the environment and have an opportunity to reflect in context.

Examples include: Practise, Apply, Mimic, Experience, Explore, Investigate, Perform, Engage.