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Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Introduction to Evidence Cafés for migration (PUB_3856_1.0)
Glossary: Glossary

Administrative Evidence

Data or information collected primarily to support administrative processes i.e., border biometrics, population registers, residence permit applications.


Boundary objects

Artefacts that connect, support communication and collaboration between different social structures and knowledge domains.  A boundary object can often only enable this as a one-way dissemination process.



Raw data without meaning e.g. migration numbers, quotes from migrants.

Discussion object

Promotes and supports dialogue, reflection, and knowledge exchange as well as providing a way of capturing those exchanges. Can be produced on paper, in a technical application, or through a series of different resources e.g. post-it notes. The discussion object is tailored to the specific topic needs and facilitates meaning-making and the development of changed understandings for the group.



Departure from a place of abode, natural home, or country for life or residence elsewhere.

Empirical research

Research Evidence that is based on observation and measurement of phenomena, as directly experienced by the researcher. The data that is collected this way can be compared against a theory or hypothesis, but the results are still based on real life experiences.

Evidence Café Champions

Are individuals at any level of the organisation who initiate and facilitate change. They provide a grounding for the Evidence Café in three ways:

  • Support to identify a topic relevant to the stakeholders
  • Enable the development and implementation of appropriate discussion objects for the evidence cafe
  • Facilitate and moderate the evidence café so that equitable engagement is ensured throughout.

Evidence claims

Claims that stakeholders can make around the evidence (which includes personal experiences, research data etc) that they present.

Evidence pyramid

Is a discussion object which defines different levels of evidence analysis from large quantities of raw data that have not been analysed to meaning attributed for information and deeper knowledge insights and actionable know-how.

Evidence typology

Is a discussion object which builds upon the evidence pyramid and represents different types of evidence from different types of stakeholders. Rigour in the evidence collection and analysis usually increases from; public stories, expert reports, institutional and governmental policies and procedures, academic and institutional research.

Experiential accounts

Evidence that is based upon people’s experiences and stories that are based upon real life experiences. 

Experiential stories data

Experiential accounts: evidence that is based upon people’s experiences and stories that are based upon real life experiences. 

Expert interpretive analysis

Expert reviews or analytics that interpret evidence reviewing specific topics. The expertise may be framed by regulatory standards or be framed by the individual’s expertise.


Host country

The country to which migrants move and which hosts them.



The process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country.


Data with attached meaning for ‘who, what, where, when’ as regards migration issues.


To move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population.

Innovative Evidence

Data or information sourced from machine learning technologies -often called ‘big data’ and generated by users of mobile devices, internet-based platforms, or by digital sensors and meters.

Interpretive opinion

Justified beliefs, truths, judgements and know-how, e.g. understanding cause and effects of migrant flow policies in the context of changing economic strategy



Insight on ‘why and how’ information can be used and applied to change issues e.g. theories and models of migration.

Knowledge Exchange

Is a process of sharing of ideas, evidence, experiences and expertise which is mutually beneficial to all those involved.


Migration data

A collection of figures, objects, symbols and events that have been gathered from different sources. Things like migration maps, photographs, or migrants’ everyday experience can all be considered as migration data.

Migration flows

The aggregate numbers of migrants into or out of a country. These can either be totals (e.g. 20,000 new migrants arrived in the UK in 2017) or could be broken down (e.g. of the 20,000 migrants to the UK in 2017, 7,000 were from Spain). Flows can also be ‘netted’ so that you look at the difference between those people arriving as migrants and those leaving a country. This gives a net migration flow which could either be positive (more arriving than leaving), negative (more leaving than arriving) or balanced (as many leave as arrive).



To leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population.


Procedural process

Procedural processes: Processes, policies and procedures that are either institutionally, nationally or internationally bound to specific topics or issues.

Procedural processes

Processes, policies and procedures that are either institutionally, nationally or internationally bound to specific topics or issues.


Qualitative Evidence

Information that aims to make meaning of words, acts, and events often from interviews, observations or focus group discussions.


Socially-differentiated process

A social issue or process that is differentiated according to a number of possible factors such as wealth, class or gender.


A person with an interest or concern in something, such as an organisation or a process like migration. That is, they have a ‘stake’ in it and so are stakeholders.

Statistical Evidence

Numerical data used to prove or support an argument and often generated through surveys or administrative records.