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Sunday, 12 May 2024, 1:34 PM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Introduction to Evidence Cafés for migration (PUB_3856_1.0)
Glossary: Glossary


The process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country.


Data with attached meaning for ‘who, what, where, when’ as regards migration issues.


To move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population.

Innovative Evidence

Data or information sourced from machine learning technologies -often called ‘big data’ and generated by users of mobile devices, internet-based platforms, or by digital sensors and meters.

Interpretive opinion

Justified beliefs, truths, judgements and know-how, e.g. understanding cause and effects of migrant flow policies in the context of changing economic strategy