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Monday, 27 May 2024, 8:01 PM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Ethiopia’s One WASH National Programme (EthiopiaOWNP_1.0)
Glossary: Glossary


increasing output for a given input, or minimising input for a given output. (3)

enabling environment

conditions that can enable a certain phenomenon or event or programme to happen. (5)


study of the patterns of distribution and causes of disease in a population. (1)


equal allocation of resources, services and opportunity to all segments of the population. (3)


objective assessment of an ongoing or completed project or programme to assess its design, implementation and results, and the extent to which the stated objectives have been achieved (13)

event (WASH sector)

day of activity/meeting/gathering/celebration, usually focused on a single theme (e.g. water supply, hygiene promotion); may be local, national or international. (11)