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Friday, 3 May 2024, 9:32 AM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Urban Water Supply (WaterSupply_1.0)
Glossary: Glossary

waste stabilisation ponds

system of ponds to treat wastewater using sunlight and wind (11)

water-based diseases

diseases caused by parasites that spend part of their lifecycle in water (2)

waterborne diseases

diseases caused through the ingestion of water contaminated by human or animal faeces containing pathogens (2)

water emergency

event that disrupts the normal supply of water (14)

water-related diseases

diseases transmitted by insects that breed or feed in or near water (2)

Water Safety Plan

plan that proactively seeks to identify and control risks to safe and continuous water supply (8)

water table

top level of groundwater below the land surface (3)

water tariff

price that is set for water (13)

water tower

elevated structure that has a water tank to supply drinking water by gravity (1)

water treatment

process by which harmful substances are removed from water so that it is safe for human consumption (5)

water utility

organisation that is responsible for producing and distributing drinking water (5)

water-washed diseases

diseases that occur due to inadequate quantity of water being available for good personal hygiene (2)

Wuha Agar

chlorine-based disinfectant for water treatment available in Ethiopia (10)