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hazardoussomething with the potential to cause harm, such as toxic chemicals or infectious material (1) |
hazardous wasteswastes that have the potential to cause substantial harm to public health and/or the environment (7) |
healthcare wastesolid waste produced in health facilities (1) |
heavy metalsgroup of toxic chemical pollutants that persist in the environment i.e. they do not break down by natural processes e.g. mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and others (4) |
helminthsworms that live as parasites in humans and other animals (2) |
household hazardous wastehazardous materials such as cleaning products, batteries and paint found in household waste (10) |
household wastesolid waste produced by people in their homes; also known as ‘residential waste’ (1) |
hygieneset of practices that help to keep people healthy and prevent the spread of disease (2) |