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parasitic wormsgroup of parasites such as tapeworms or nematodes (also known as roundworms); helminthes (2) |
pathogendisease-causing agent (1) |
peri-urban areasareas around a town or city between the urban and rural areas and having some characteristics of both (2) |
pHmeasure of acidity and alkalinity. It has a scale from 0 to 14: pH 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acid and more than 7 is alkaline (6) |
placenta pitpit in a hospital or healthcare centre grounds for disposal of anatomical and pathological waste (placentas, body parts, blood, body fluids) (12) |
polluting potentialpotential of wastewaters to cause pollution, i.e. to cause damage to the condition, health, safety or welfare of animals, humans, plants or property (4) |
pollutionintroduction into the environment of substances liable to cause harm (1) |
pour-flush toilettoilet where the urine and faeces are flushed away by pouring water from a jug down the toilet after use (5) |
primary collectioncollection of waste from individual households and businesses or from communal bins serving a number of households (9) |
primary treatmentfirst stage of the sewage treatment process where most solids are removed by sedimentation (6) |
private sector participationinvolving the private sector (in waste management) (9) |
process evaluationassessment of the ways a project or programme has been undertaken to determine whether it is on track to meet its aims (15) |
protozoasingle-celled microscopic organisms, larger than bacteria (2) |
public-private partnershipcollaboration between a public sector body or organisation and a private sector company (9) |