
In Week 1 you have considered some of the ways that you may be able to improve your practice so that you are as effective as possible in supporting children with additional needs. You were introduced to some of the key terminology for thinking about additional support for learning.

You then explored the different emotions that children might have when faced with a new challenge and considered the different ways you can provide support. Some of this might be part of your everyday practice but some solutions may require additional support from other organisations.

Now complete the reflection activity below to complete the week’s learning.

Reflection activity

Timing: Allow 10 minutes

Use your learner journal  to make notes about this week’s content and consider how it can positively impact your practice to improve the experience for children with ASN. (You can also type into the box below then copy and paste the text into your learner journal.)

After you have made your notes, save the learner journal file to use again for the remainder of the module.

Reflection table for Week 1

Source of knowledge                                             
Key point                             
How has this made me think?                             
So what have I learned?                             
Next steps: what can I improve or what more do I need to know?                             
Next steps: what improvements can I make to my practice?                             

(Adapted from Appleby and Hanson, 2017)

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Next week

In Week 2 you’ll cover inclusivity for children with ASN in early years settings in more detail.

Now have a go at the Week 1 practice quiz.

1.4  Inclusive relationships with children